Star - Rescues 2the Rescue



Sweet girl who is ball-obsessed and would play all day if you let her. Very smart and active.

Score 36
Breed Heeler X
Sex Female
Birthdate (Est.) 09/2016
Weight 53
Arrival Date at Shelter Apr 09, 2022
Success stories

Wicket was a year old and had been at the shelter for six months. Her history was unknown. She had recently been spayed by a shelter ā€œangelā€ hoping to make herĀ more appealing for adoption. But not many people want a dog who constantly whines, barks, and literally bounces off the walls of her kennel. But…

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Photo credit: Kurt Wilson
Rescues2theRescue is a program created by
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Working Dogs for Conservation is a proud member of the
Best Friends No More Homeless Pet Network.